Monday, December 11, 2006

Read Flow

As I've been going through the various books I've recently read I thought it might be interesting to have a discussion about read flows. What is a read flow, it's my newly created term for the type of books I go through at any given time. It seems I go through phases, haven't recently finished some non-fiction, I often move on to some lighter "fluff" something easy to read. I almost look at them as a pallette cleanser so to speak, it refreshes my mind for something more indepth and often educational. So you see my read flow goes from something a bit more "indepth" say a thinking type book to something "light and fluffy". As I'm not the romance novel type of gal my "light and fluffy" is often a Jackie Collins novel, or maybe a Greg Iles, or even a Patricia Cornwell. While enjoyable none of these authors books take much though or grey matter to make it to the end. Like some people who enjoy going to the movies to escape I enjoy my books as a way to get away from it all.

So what type of read flow do you have? Post to my forum to discuss.

'til next time...

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

A Breath of Snow and Ashes

So I recently finish A Breath of Snow and Ashes by Diana Gabaldon. If you know her work it's a romance novel written for the non-romantic reader. A Breath of Snow and Ashes is the sixth book in her series with the main characters of Claire and Jamie Fraser. For anyone who has read her books, what is not to love about her character Jamie. He's strong and senstive and so much more. Diana seems to have an ability to capture the emotions, strengths and weaknesses of characters with ease. The characters ebb and flow from the stories like one would imagine in a movie. The images are vivid and send directly to the time. You walk away from the stories, touched effected and moved.

Her latest is worth the read, I enjoyed it immensely, enough so that it didn't feel like I was reading a 1000 page book. Truth be told, I was looking forward to much lunch breaks and my commute so I could sit down and read for a while.

If you haven't taken the time to read any of her books it just might be time to think about it now.
'til next time...